
Scotia Momentum® No-Fee Visa* Card

Everything you need to know about the Scotia Momentum® No-Fee Visa* Card, one of the best credit cards for balance transfers in Canada.

Updated on: 2023-11-03

Best offer is available until October 31, 2024†

$0 Annual fee

Signup bonus

Earn 5% cash back on up to $2,000 in purchases in the first three months†
0% interest rate on balance transfers in the first six months†

Annual fee:


Annual interest rates:

19.99% purchases†
22.99% cash advances†

Earning rate:

1% cash back on all eligible gas stations, grocery stores, drug stores purchases, and recurring payments†
0.5% cash back on all other eligible purchases†



The Scotia Momentum® No-Fee Visa* Card is a great option for balance transfers.†

Bonuses & Fees

If you're approved for the Scotia Momentum® No-Fee Visa* Card by October 31, 2024, you can enjoy a promotional 0% annual interest rate† on balance transfers made in the first six months,† with a 2% balance transfer fee.† If you're not using this card for balance transfers, you can also earn 5% cash back on up to $2,000 in eligible purchases† in the first three months,† which is worth up to $100.† This card has no annual fee.

Earning Rewards

With the Scotia Momentum® No-Fee Visa* Card, you'll earn the following cash back rates:

  • Earn 1% cash back on all eligible gas stations, grocery stores, drug stores purchases, and recurring payments†
  • Earn 0.5% cash back on all other eligible purchases†

Perks & Benefits

The primary benefit of this card is its promotional balance transfer rate. You can also save up to 25% off base rates at participating AVIS locations and at participating Budget locations in Canada and the U.S. when you pay with your Scotia Momentum No-Fee Visa card.†


This card does not come with included insurance coverage; however, you can opt-in to the following insurance bundles:†

  • Basic Protection: Life Benefit, Critical Illness Benefit, Hospitalization Benefit†
  • Comprehensive Protection: Life Benefit, Critical Illness Benefit, Hospitalization Benefit, Disability Benefit, Job Loss Benefit, Strike or Lockout Benefit†

† Terms and conditions apply.

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