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Video: Asiana Airlines First Class Review!

Watch the latest installment in my First Class video series, this time from onboard Asiana Airlines First Class from Seoul to Los Angeles!

Written by Ricky Zhang

On 2019-01-19

Read time 0 mins

It’s been a long time coming, but after treating you to live-action footage from ANA First Class and Cathay Pacific First Class, I’m pleased to announce that the next installment in the series has finally arrived.

Without further ado, here’s my new in-flight video review, bringing you the Asiana Airlines First Class experience from all angles:

If you enjoyed the video, make sure to give it a “Like”, leave a comment, share it in your circles, and subscribe to the channel for more videos in the future.

As for my usual in-depth review, with all the photos and commentary, you can expect to see that sometime next week!

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